Troubleshoot problems with the 3-1-1 app

Below is a list of basic troubleshooting steps for resolving most Austin 3-1-1 smartphone app issues.

If your issue is not resolved using the troubleshooting steps below, please note that some devices and operating systems may not be compatible with the software requirements of the application.

Minimum requirements for using Austin 3-1-1 smartphone app:

  • Smartphone and tablet devices
  • Android and iOS/Apple operating systems
  • Download Austin 3-1-1 smartphone app from Google Play Store or App Store
  • Cellular or WIFI enabled
  • GPS enabled

New Report

Unable to submit an SR.

  • Ensure that you have correctly tapped on the New Report pencil/paper icon.
  • Close/Reopen application and retry.
  • Power your device off and on and retry.
  • Uninstall/Reinstall application and retry.
  • If Apple device, ensure that Location/GPS feature is turned on.

Cannot find my SR Type to submit

  • Ensure that you have completely scrolled through all available SRs.
  • Ensure that the SR is an available option.
  • Close/Reopen application and retry.
  • Power your device off and on and retry.
  • Uninstall/Reinstall application and retry.
  • Submit as “Other” or call 3-1-1.

The GPS feature is not functional.

  • Ensure the GPS feature is activated.
  • Please see your device’s manual for turning on GPS services.
  • If you choose not to enable your GPS, you can also tap and drag the pin to the correct location.

The GPS location is different from where the photo was taken.

  • Change location by pressing and holding the map marker and drag to the desired address. Click OK at the top of the screen.


There are no recent SRs found in the recents page.

  • Ensure that you have correctly tapped on the Recents clock icon.
  • Close/Reopen application and retry.
  • Power your device off and on and retry.
  • Uninstall/Reinstall application and retry.

My reports

There are no reports found in my reports page.

  • Ensure that you have correctly tapped on the My Reports pencil icon.
  • Close/Reopen application and retry.
  • Power your device off and on and retry.
  • Uninstall/Reinstall application and retry.

My favorites

There is nothing displayed in my favorites.

  • Ensure that you have correctly tapped the My Favorites star icon at the upper right of a service request already submitted.
  • Close/Reopen application and retry.
  • Power your device off and on and retry.
  • Uninstall/Reinstall application and retry.


There are no FAQs displayed in the FAQ page.

  • Ensure that you have correctly tapped the FAQ question mark icon.
  • Close/Reopen application and retry.
  • Power your device off and on and retry.
  • Uninstall/Reinstall application and retry.


Contact information is incorrect

  • Open the Reporter page, select Edit Contact Info, and correct the information and select Save.

If the above recommendations do not resolve your mobile device’s technical issue, please contact your service provider for assistance.


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