Apply for a Municipal Court deferral

Defendants can ask for a deferral for certain kinds of offenses. A deferral is a postponement of judgement. If you complete the terms of the deferral, the case will be dismissed.

  1. Find out if you are eligible for a deferral. You are eligible if:

    • You do not have a commercial driver's license, even if the violation occurred while you were driving a non-commercial vehicle.
    • You are 17 or older.
    • You are charged with one of the code violations in Step 2.

  2. Select the type of ticket to understand the terms of the deferral and fill out the appropriate online request form.

  3. A week after submitting your request, search the online case portalopen_in_new using your last name and birth date to see the status of your case.

    If your request for a deferral is denied, you can choose another option to handle your case or ticketopen_in_new.

  4. Find the fees for your case through the court's case portalopen_in_new and choose an option to pay.

  5. Complete the terms of your deferral and submit proof to the court.

    If you cannot or will not complete the terms of a deferral and do not want to explain the reason to a judge, you may opt out of the deferralopen_in_new and a conviction will be entered.

    Otherwise, failure to meet the terms of your deferred disposition will result in a revocation hearing. The hearing is your opportunity to explain to a judge why you failed to meet the terms.

    If you do not appear in court for your revocation hearing, a conviction will be entered. The conviction will be placed on your record. If you still owe the court money, a warrant for your arrest will be issued.

Evaluation criteria

In determining whether or not to grant your deferral request, the court will also consider:

  • The type of offense you have been charged with
  • The facts of your particular case
  • Your criminal history

If you are not eligible

If you are not eligible to apply for a deferral, you can find out when you need to go to court using the court's online case portalopen_in_new. You can also choose another option to handle your case or ticketopen_in_new.

If you are under the age of 17, you will receive notice in the mail of a date and time to appear in court with a parent or guardian. Keep your address updated with the court so you receive your notice on time. You may have the option of requesting a deferral at your court appearance.

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