Get a non-adult criminal record expunged

If you meet certain criteria, you may be eligible to have records of an offense that occurred while you were a juvenile or a minor removed from your criminal history. The petition must be filed in the Municipal Court you were convicted.

  1. Determine eligibility.

  2. Fill out an application and motion for expunction (PDF, 412 KB)open_in_new

    Do not sign the form.

  3. Submit the form.

  4. Pay a $30 fee.

  5. Upon receipt of payment, a hearing will be scheduled for you. At the hearing, the judge will rule on the expunction petition. You may attend the hearing, but it is not required.

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Traffic offenses cannot be expunged.

If your criminal record is for "Failure to Attend School," this law was repealed with the passage of HB 2398 in 2015. Courts are responsible for expunging records related to this offense. No petition, proof or fee is required. You may call the court to confirm that your record has been expunged.


Juvenile: Someone 16 years old or younger.

Minor: A person younger than the legal age for a certain act.

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